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School trips

Klassenfahrten, Kanutour Diemel, Hofgut Stammen

School trips

We would be happy to advise you on planning multi-day school trips, graduation trips or day trips. 

Depending on the age group, we offer activities such as canoe tours, MTB tours, guided archery or village rallies, raft building and treasure hunts. Young people and children who are artistically interested or are also enthusiastic about our offer of soapstone crafting under guidance. 
If you stay overnight, the camping site and the camping barn are available to you.
You can decide whether you want to cater for yourself or book our half or full board.
You can round off the beautiful evenings with a campfire and stick bread.
We recommend the arrival by train to the stop Hofgeismar - Hümme.
There we pick up your luggage and possibly, the group hikes about 25 minutes further to the estate.
Alternatively, you can come directly from Hofgeismar or Hofgeismar-Hümme with the NVV bus to Hofgut Stammen (exit Stammen B 83).

By the way: The companion teachers a free of charge for all activities.

Our school trip "building blocks"
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